Theme: From the Magazine

The Newfoundland Renaissance

When people use the term, they are referencing this feature article, by Sandra Gwyn, published in Saturday Night magazine in 1976, wherein she coined the phrase: “Destruction of the outports…

Announcing a new writing contest!

NQ and WritersNL are teaming up to present NL’s first creative non-fiction writing contest – essay, memoir, biography, travelogue, long-form journalism, or an excerpt from a longer piece are all…

Prize draw just days away!

Join us on Wednesday, September 11, on CBC Radio’s The Signal with host Adam Walsh – we’ll be chatting about our fall issue, Swift Sails, Fearful Wrecks (publishing next week!) and…

Enjoy the dog days of summer – named for Sirius, the Dog Star, of Canis Major, so prominent in the night skies this time of year – we’re going to…

Summer issue on the Stands

On the theme of Hollywood, from NL’s earliest film stars and filmmakers, through the lyrics of a Ron Hynes’ classic, and packed with buzz and scoops and did-you-knows. On the…

Spring issue on the stands

We’re getting a great response to our spring issue, packed with assessments, appreciations, and imagery on the theme of Corner Stores. Where can you buy it? In St John’s, try…

Spirit Bird

BY Gary L Saunders

THE ROYAL CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, having canvassed the country for two years, had finally narrowed the search to Perisoreus canadensis, a robin-sized cousin of the raven and crow native to every province and territory and nowhere else on the planet. Unlike most of our birds, it stays up north year-round, nesting in temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees Celsius. Hardy, smart, loyal and friendly – what could be more Canadian?