Woody Point: Doing it the Write Way

“A LITTLE GROUP had been formed, Friends of the Heritage Theatre. They put up posters and planted rosebushes and helped in the building and it was great. They had a last meeting at the end of the summer, and asked what can we do? Steve said, when I go back I’ll see about organizing a writers festival.” -Charlie Payne

“UNLESS THERE WAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, economic development, I was not interested in doing it. If it was purely artistic, with no connection to the community, it wouldn’t work. Woody Point had a sense of itself, of its past with its merchant houses. But in 1999 it was not that. At first the full-time community stood back and watched. There was some thought: who do you think you are? And then Wayne Johnston cancelled one week before the first festival started. We were screwed. But then we got Gordon Pinsent. And he is a rock star.” – Steve Brunt

You can read the full story on Woody Point Heritage Theatre and the Writers at Woody Point in The Newfoundland Quarterly’s Summer print edition. On sale in Broken Books, Johnny Ruth, Chapters, The Travel Bug, Afterwords, and other retailers across the province. Newfoundland Quarterly: Summer 2017, Doing it the Write Way.

Getting Home

BY Kadie Cowan

I went upstairs to say goodbye to Mom and when I came back down Kathryn had finished packing my things in her car. “Is this seriously all you’re taking?” she…

New Issue Podcast: All Things “Corner Store”


Our editor, Joan Sullivan, joined Adam Walsh, host of the Signal on CBC, to chat about all things “corner store”. They were joined by guests Paul Rowe, Reed Weir, David Michael, and Eva Crocker for a colourful look at the role that corner stores play in the life of this province.