Theme: Books

How to salvage a planet and save ourselves:

Journalist and historian Gwynne Dyer is the author of more than a dozen books on war, terrorism, and foreign affairs books and writes a twice-weekly column, published internationally; in his…

Precious Little: review by Marie Wadden

Author Camille Fouillard was right to resist publishers’ suggestions that she write a non-fiction account of the four decades she has worked with the Labrador Innu. Instead, she has captured…



Could you tell us a little about yourself? I began writing children’s books when my own children were small and have since branched out into books for adults. Mother of…

POWER/GRID: Graphic Depictions of War

BY Andrew Loman

“I chose a grid-system rather than free-form because it was a history. To me there’s something very stable about the nine-panel grid and I wanted that feeling for it.” So said the St John’s cartoonist Wallace Ryan, explaining the page design he has chosen for The Narrow Way, a graphic memoir about his grandfather’s experiences as a soldier in World War 1.

A Sketch of Stephen

BY Paul Whittle

This is an excerpt of Paul Whittle’s story A Sketch of Stephen. The story is part of a new collection released by Breakwater Books called Best Kind. The collection features…

Good Country

BY Sharon Bala

Sharon Bala’s debut novel, The Boat People, exploring the experiences of a father and his son arriving in Canada on a migrant boat from Sri Lanka, was published this month….

Personal soundtrack- A chat with Jamie Fitzpatrick

BY Rebecca Cohoe

“When you’re young, you use music to invent yourself.” So said Jamie Fitzpatrick when I spoke with him about his second novel, The End of Music. Throughout the story, popular songs, from old standards to indie rock, shape the world of his characters. Our conversation ranged from his hometown of Gander to whether or not it is wrong to make your children listen to The Eagles in the car.