Fall 2023 on the stands!

September 2023

On the theme of Place, as in the geography, memory, and putting things in properly of. If you’d like to pick up an issue, or subscribe or give a subscription (thus earning a ticket towards winning the gorgeous painting by Jean Claude Roy on the cover), you can find details here.

Paying Ode to Funambulists

BY Prajwala Dixit

“Do you remember everything I’ve told you?” I ask my fiancé for the millionth time. We are in the lobby of a Quality Inn near Pearson International. Four floors up, my parents await to meet their daughter and future son-in-law. This is the first time my Indian and Canadian realms will come face to face.

Sending Up Kites

BY Matthew Hollett

NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY was founded in 1901, the same year Marconi flew a 500-foot kite on Signal Hill and intercepted the first trans-Atlantic wireless transmission. The second-oldest magazine in Canada, NQ began as “a literary magazine of interest to Newfoundlanders at home and abroad,” which is not far off the way it describes itself today, as “a cultural journal of Newfoundland and Labrador.” That’s a remarkable persistency of purpose over 116 years.