Q and A (Woody Point Edition) with Jamie Fitzpatrick

August 2018

Writer and broadcaster Jamie Fitzpatrick will be reading from his new novel, The End of Music. For more information about the festival, see writersatwoodypoint.com.

What is distinct about the Writers at Woody Point Festival?

WAWP is communal. You can feel it in the room right away, the sense that there’s no great divide between performer and audience. We’re all there sharing books and music, knocking around ideas, figuring it out together. I’m not sure why it feels that way. But I’m sure that it doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a great festival because the organizers, supporters, and community work to make it great.

Also, someone told me once that they try not to invite jerks. I don’t know if this is official policy, but I believe it. It’s important to have a solid lineup of writers and musicians, but even more important to have nice people, especially at a small town festival.

You’re doing two readings this year – what are those venues like? 

I’d gladly read to the rats at the town dump if they asked me, because I love being at Woody Point. And I think the rats would get my stuff. As it happens, I’m reading at the theatre on Saturday night this year, so there’s no real pressure. Terry Fallis is also reading. and Janet Cull is singing, and later on Shane Murphy is playing blues at the Legion. They’ll all be terrific. The beer at the Legion is really cold and the vibe is great and the deck and is right on the ocean. It’s the height of summer in Bonne Bay. So if I’m terrible, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a minor wrinkle in an otherwise fabulous evening.

My other reading is Wednesday morning at Galliot Studios, where there’s great coffee, and if it’s a nice morning everyone sits out on the deck. So you can chat with people, and maybe ask them what they want to hear: “Should I read the bit where buddy makes a fool of himself? What about the sex scene? Too early for that?” And maybe they don’t care because a whale just breached. And I’m not about to compete with that.

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