Personas – a new array of artworks explore personality, psyche

November 2024

Persona can be defined as: the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others; a role or character adopted by an author, actor, etc or in a game; in Jungian psychology, the outer or assumed aspect of character, “persona and anima switch roles and merge in slow, smooth ways.” These facts and more can be viewed in a new group exhibition, full of cachet and verve.


Persona continues at the Leyton Gallery of Fine Art until November 9.

Images: Emma Jean and Margaret Find Some Seashells, by Kent Jones (watercolour and gouache); Breezy, by Iakov Afanasiev (oil on canvas), Reticence #4, by Virginia Mak (chromogenic print), courtesy the Leyton Gallery.

Sending Up Kites

BY Matthew Hollett

NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY was founded in 1901, the same year Marconi flew a 500-foot kite on Signal Hill and intercepted the first trans-Atlantic wireless transmission. The second-oldest magazine in Canada, NQ began as “a literary magazine of interest to Newfoundlanders at home and abroad,” which is not far off the way it describes itself today, as “a cultural journal of Newfoundland and Labrador.” That’s a remarkable persistency of purpose over 116 years.

Matthew Rooney and Seagulls

Can you tell us a little about yourself?   Sure. I am a poet, short story author, and occasionally a visual artist. Most of my life I’ve lived in Halifax,…