Our Fall Issue is Now On Stands!


September 2018

Fall is here and so is a new print issue of Newfoundland Quarterly.

The first thing you’ll notice is the beautiful painting on the cover. It’s a Jean Claude Roy original entitled, War Memorial, Pouch Cove. It’s also this year’s subscription prize. If you buy, renew, or gift a subscription between now and March 31, 2019, you’ll be entered to win!

Inside, we’re focusing on the year 1918- it was a year of highs and lows, including the armistice and an influenza pandemic that swept the world, killing between 3 and 5 % of the world’s population.

Ed Roberts and Margaret Duley discuss the uneasy alliance of the end of the first world war in a roundtable article. We also hear from Esylly Jones, on the pandemic.

As always, there’s plenty of great art, including portfolios by Kathleen Knowling and Nelson White, poetry by Dana Evely, fiction by Lynn H. Kielley, and creative non-fiction by Bill Coultas.

There’s plenty more along with that, but to see it all, you’ll need to pick up your own copy, available at shops across NL. Want to make sure you never miss an issue? Information about subscribing is here.

Stay cozy and creative, this fall!


Sunny Portugal

BY Joan Sullivan

In the spirt of the New Year, and accordance with our spring issue theme, NQ resolves to temporarily relocate to Lisbon, Portugal, for research, interviews, and atmosphere in exploring the…