Only Spectators

June 2017

Portraits of Labrador | Photo by Mavis Penney | D’s Landing, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL | Copyright 2017

Darrell Bennett is a Happy Valley-Goose Bay businessman. He recently sold his family store and gas-bar to his daughter and son-in-law, but he is still active in wholesaling and distributing foods, which is why he was in the store on a Sunday afternoon, getting a snack. I said, “So, you’re still working, then.” “Yes,” he laughed, “I haven’t won the lottery yet!”

“Stand next to this beer cooler for a photo,” I said, “next to the winning team.” And he did, but not before he pointed out that they, along with his own favorite NHL team, had both been put out in Round 1 of the hockey playoffs. “Broke my heart,” he said, “but what can you do? We’re only spectators.”

The Tamarack Camera Club has partnered with the Labrador Institute on a photography project called The Humans of Labrador. Some of these photos will be published here as Portraits of Labrador.  The series was launched with this photo by John Graham.

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