Never Alone: Portraits of Labrador

May 2017

Tunker Campbell | Portraits of Labrador | Photo by Geoff Goodyear | Copyright 2017

“The guitar is an Epiphone Nighthawk. Got this one in Toronto when we were out for a soiree. We were playing at the foot of the CN Tower for two weeks and went to Steve’s Music in Toronto. Saw the guitar and had to have it. It had a curly maple top and the price was right, so it came home with me.

Every time I pick up a guitar is a proud moment for me. The guitar is a never ending friend for me, and I am never alone. It makes me relaxed. It’s good for my soul.”

The Tamarack Camera Club has partnered with the Labrador Institute on a photography project called The Humans of Labrador. Some of these photos will be published here as Portraits of Labrador.  The series was launched with this photo by John Graham.

Q and A with Filmmaker Benjamin Noah


There is something gloriously epic about this island. It adds incredible production value if you are willing to spend long days out in the cold to get the shots right. Newfoundland is a broad canvas and I want to make ambitious brush strokes, so it’s a good fit.