Gerry Porter: Cautiously Pessimistic


November 2019

Gerry Porter was a talented visual artist, designer, and humorist who made an indelible impact on the St. John’s arts scene.

He died in 2016, and on Sunday December 1st, a website of his work is being launched at The LSPU Hall, from 4 pm to 6 pm.

The website contains hundreds of Gerry’s cartoons, comics, posters, memes, and for his on-line followers, an archive of his twitter feed and news haikus.

Call for submissions: Summer 2018, the Newfoundland Quarterly’s online alter-ego is seeking creative non-fiction, columns, articles, personal narrative, fiction, and poetry on topics relevant to Newfoundland and Labrador culture. Themes could include: Identity History…


BY Drew Brown

The Great Auk got a raw deal. Setting its cloned Razorbill-hybrid progeny down on Funk Island as an act of atonement is a tempting proposition. Easing our collective guilt aside, a resurrected Auk could be an economic boon. Every cove and tickle would put in an ACOA grant to host a penguin hatchery.