Canada on The Rails
BY Melissa Barbeau
SHE CARRIED A POCKETKNIFE, of course. A multi-tooled contraption with a blade, but also a fork and a spoon, a corkscrew, a tiny fold-out ruler, a level, a bottle opener….
Personal soundtrack- A chat with Jamie Fitzpatrick
BY Rebecca Cohoe
“When you’re young, you use music to invent yourself.” So said Jamie Fitzpatrick when I spoke with him about his second novel, The End of Music. Throughout the story, popular songs, from old standards to indie rock, shape the world of his characters. Our conversation ranged from his hometown of Gander to whether or not it is wrong to make your children listen to The Eagles in the car.
Stolen Sisters: open-handed theatre in a literal heart
Stolen Sisters is a one-actor, site-specific play. Deantha Edmunds simply enters through the rung of chairs circled around the Heart Garden on Government House grounds, and turns and presents in the…