Shelly Kawaja: My favourite reading experiences are the most immersive ones. I like to disappear into a story.
Can you tell us a little about yourself? I grew up in Black Duck Siding, a community so remote it doesn’t make the NTV New Year’s Eve ticker tape. I…
Wishing us peace on earth, and all the joys of the season …
and we’ll meet here again in 2023. (John Lennon’s Imagine, courtesy Wikimedia.)
Spotting the ocean at the head of the trail – photographer Ritche Perez captures the sea
“First time hiking around Madrock in Bay Roberts. A rainbow connecting the rocks together surprised me just as I made it to the edge of the cliff.” “I’m on the…
Tzu-Hao Hsu: Where there was water I was first one in and always, always last one out
I was born in the year of the Water Pig. A few days after my arrival, my family brought my stars of conception and birth to a soothsayer who calculated…
Joshua Goudie: This book is dedicated to children struggling to find their place in the world
Can you tell us a little about yourself? I grew up in central Newfoundland. Since then I’ve since lived in communities all across the island. My background is in theatre…
Prohibited: Do Not Eat These Clams, by Amanda Bulman
There’s a very ugly beach near my grandfather’s house on Prince Edward Island. It was never beautiful, but it looked better when I was a kid. There were long sandbars…