Q and A (Woody Point Edition) with Elizabeth Hay

August 2018

Elizabeth Hay is a novelist and short-story writer whose works has been nominated for the Governor- General’s Award and the Giller Prize; she lives in Ottawa. The Writers at Woody Point Festival runs August 14-19. For more information see http://www.writersatwoodypoint.com/schedule/

What will you read?

My new book is a memoir about my mother and father, All Things Consoled. On Friday night I’ll be reading in the Heritage Centre with Terry Fallis, who no doubt will have people rolling in the aisles. I’ll search for the funniest part of my book to read, so that I won’t be eating his dust. On Thursday night, reading with Sharon Bala in St. Patrick’s Church, I’ll look for a scene that stands on its own, hoping to draw listeners into the unfolding story of the last years of my parents’ lives.

What will the different venues bring to your reading?

I’ve read before in both venues. The Heritage Centre is wonderful. You couldn’t ask for better. The church is slightly less ideal, but the space and the acoustics are still good. The church lends itself to material that is forceful, rather than quiet and intimate. I’ll bear that in mind when I choose what to present.

What is it like to participate in this festival?

What I look forward to is the remarkable mix of music and literature, which gives the festival its unforgettable energy. I expect to divide my time between poking around Woody Point and enjoying as much music and as many writers as I can. It will be a charmed few days.

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