NQ is here (in Portugal, that is.)

February 2018

Image courtesty of mappedplanet.ca.

On assignment in Lisbon, city of mad traffic, lovely people, and glorious-ramshackle architecture. Everyone is outside, reading in parks, canoodling around monuments, watching televised rugby matches in bistros four tables wide, although they consider these days a brief cold spell (12 degrees). Coffee is not just a drink but a way of life, while dishes like ovos moles have gained historic recognition and protection.

But it’s not all meia de elite and lounging around Chiado – although we are drinking foamy coffees and people-watching in artsy, funky neighbourhoods – but the spring NQ is coming together, too, distilled in and through this place. Heads up for biography, theatre, and culturally-linked walkabouts exploring and illustrating the links between Newfoundland and Labrador and Portugal.

Let’s Dance! The Musical

It’s 1963. Marco (Luciano Decicco) returns to his alma mater Northumberland School in Manhattan after failing in his dream of a show business career. Now he will teach drama. His…