For the Love of Landscape: a new group exhibition at the Leyton Gallery

March 2023

Twenty artists, thirty-three works in oil, acrylic, woodcut, pen and ink, and more.

Seascapes and forest views, travelling fireweed and dancing birds. Continuing at The Leyton Gallery of Fine Art until March 17.

(Images: Amy Holloway, Still, oil on canvas; Lori Deeley, The Mash, watercolour, ink and charcoal; Lori Deeley, Tidal, ink and watercolour, courtesy The Leyton Gallery)

Dan of the Galapagos (4 of 7)

BY Monica Walsh

Dan is always the nice guy. He is always the one who does the favours, the one who doesn’t’ get the girl, the one who is last to be chosen and first to be bossed around. But that night in Ropewalk Lane, he walked home a different man.