Celebrate nurses (and try our quiz) –

May 2024

The International Council of Nurses designated May 12 International Nurses’ Day in 1971. In 1985, the Canadian Nurses Association resolved to petition the federal government to have the week of May 12 proclaimed as National Nurses Week. The American Nurses Association Board of Directors designated May 6 – 12 as permanent dates to observe National Nurses Week in 1994; this year’s theme: Nurses Make the Difference. Over 5,800 registered nurses work in Newfoundland and Labrador, making them the province’s largest group of health care professionals. This quiz was prepared by Evelyn Peyton Murphy:

Nursing isn’t Trivial

  1. In what year was the NL Nurses Union (now the Registered Nurses Union NL) formed?
  2. When was the Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland incorporated?
  3. This Association underwent a name change in 2019. What is the new name?
  4. On October 17, 1977, what group of nurses were the first in the province to ever take strike action, as part of a rotating strike?
  5. Name the Newfoundland Volunteer nurse who died in St John’s in 1918 as a result of the Spanish influenza epidemic.
  6. A memorial was erected in this nurse’s memory by a grateful public. Where is it located?
  7. A second Newfoundland Volunteer nurse succumbed to Spanish influenza in 1918 while caring for injured soldiers in England. What is her name?
  8. Where in England was she laid to rest?
  9. Who was the Lamaline nurse who traveled by horseback, and then on foot, to help the sick and injured following the 1929 tsunami on the Burin Peninsula?
  10. What is the name of the play that chronicles the life of Nurse Myra Bennett on the Northern Peninsula?
  11. What was the character name of the nurse in the movie/TV series M*A*S*H?
  12. Who was the certified District Nurse & Midwife who came from England in 1939, and provided nursing, midwifery ,and dental service to the people of Harbour Breton, Ron Contre East, Grand Bruit, and Lascie, and sometimes their pets as well?
  13. Name the nurse heroine of a mystery/adventure series of 27 books with the same name written between 1943-1968.
  14. Who is Labrador’s first Innu nurse?


 Answers posted next week.

Image: Nurses Holding a Sheet, by Edvard Munch.

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