A Storm Message
January 2020
Keep safe & warm. Check on your neighbours. NQ back online next week.
Keep safe & warm. Check on your neighbours. NQ back online next week.
By Robert Ormsby After a year of producing Shakespeare online, Perchance Theatre returned to Cupids this summer with a strong and varied season of live performance. There are connections between…
Suddenly ripples started appearing on the large screen, like you see on the surface on of a pond at the beginning of a downpour. On two of the smaller screens the tide tugged unfurled waves back out into the bay; another showed mint-coloured lichen on a grey rock; a third played water gurgling in and out of a tide pool. I could feel the bunny-rabbit thump of blood coursing through my heart and it was correlating with the steady tick in the soundscape.
NQonline.ca, the Newfoundland Quarterly’s online alter-ego is seeking creative non-fiction, columns, articles, personal narrative, fiction, and poetry on a number of topics relevant to the 150th anniversary of Canada.