Mark O’Brien: I wanted to write a film about confrontation
Mark O’Brien’s The Righteous marks his debut as a director, writer, and star of a feature film, a cinematic hat trick he’s been steadying building towards for years. Along with…
Leo Furey: The US Secret Service isn’t too keen on people knowing the subject
Why set The Good Thief in this time period? I am fascinated by the 1960s. It was a decade of great social upheaval. People think of the 1960s as sex,…
Dale Jarvis: No place name happened by accident
What can be embedded in a place name (linguistically, historically, descriptively, narratively)? An astonishing amount of information can be packed into something as simple as a place name. They can…
Kristina Søbstad: I’m a sucker for every sunrise
Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m a Norwegian-Canadian visual artist currently based between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. I earned a BFA from NSCAD University in Halifax in 2010,…
Jared Betts: I like breaking all the rules
Can you tell us a little about yourself? My name is Jared, I am a painter who has exhibited my paintings both nationally and internationally in Tokyo, Paris, London, Ireland,…
Fashion is a wide word by Bill Coultas
At a time when many small businesses across the country, including craft-related ones, have folded due to the pandemic, the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador is marking its 50th…