the harbour mourns fencelessness

March 2018

how good to be swallowed up to be let in
or let out

blue expanse

the narrows
a maw
stretching ship-wide

the fence stands
to guard the ocean from the town (or is it vice versa)

lucia presses her face between cold bars and wills cargo ships

to come crashing in.

Q and A with Kansala

Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m originally from Northern Ontario and spent a good deal of time with my Nana Bea, (who was French Canadian). My dad…

Lisbon Bureau: Week 2

BY Joan Sullivan

And of course our setting is infusing the writing and imagery, in theme and topics and focus. An unusual period of rain and thunderstorms isn’t keeping us from our explorations and conversations and engagement with our exotic locale.


BY Jenina MacGillivray

Troy Gallant had curly chestnut hair, and he was tall. By far, he was the cutest and nicest boy in the neighborhood. He would never try to put the moves on you at the Laundromat while you were folding your underwear, for example.