Our Summer issue is here!


June 2018

Summer issue, 2018.

Summer is here, and so is another issue of Newfoundland Quarterly!

This time, we’re exploring the idea of composition: we’re putting things and ideas together, seeing how one concept, stitch or journey looks beside another, and peering through the lense of connection.

As always, there is plenty of great art, from the curiosly lively still life by James Miller on our cover, to a Q and A and portfolio with painter Rodney Mercer.

A silk sampler embroidered with a striking and macabre image stitched by hand early in the 19th century leads Cynthia Boyd to learn more about Ellie Shea, the talented actress and society woman behind the needlework.

Dave Quinton takes us to South America, by way of Fogo Island, to learn the incredible story of Eliza Downer, a Newfoundlander who became a sheep rancher in Patagonia after her mother married a sailor.

There’s plenty more along with that, but to see it all, you’ll need to pick up your own copy of our summer issue, available at shops across NL. Want to make sure you never miss an issue? Information about subscribing is here.

Happy summer!



The Grammarians War

If I understand this correctly, The Grammarians War was a 16th-century, Tudor-era conflict (1519-1521) between rival methods of teaching Latin. The opposing sides were led, respectively, by schoolmasters William Horman (of…