Olá de Lisboa!

May 2024

NQ is travelling – watch this space for our interview with a celebrated NL artist, who just happens to be here, doing her fabulous stuff (on tour with an acclaimed production). And we’ll see what else captures our attention on this side of the pond …

(Apologies by the way for this page being offline for a few days. Gremlins have been located and banished 🙂 )

Photo: exhibition, Museu Nacional do Azulejo

Sending Up Kites

BY Matthew Hollett

NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY was founded in 1901, the same year Marconi flew a 500-foot kite on Signal Hill and intercepted the first trans-Atlantic wireless transmission. The second-oldest magazine in Canada, NQ began as “a literary magazine of interest to Newfoundlanders at home and abroad,” which is not far off the way it describes itself today, as “a cultural journal of Newfoundland and Labrador.” That’s a remarkable persistency of purpose over 116 years.

A royal fete, and anticipated holiday

The May 24th weekend has marked the birthday of Queen Victoria since 1845 (technically it falls on the Monday between the 18th and 24th – this year the 22nd). Here…