Graphic Design Request for Proposals


February 2019

NQ is currently accepting submissions to provide graphic design services.

All qualified designers and agencies are encouraged to read the Request for Proposals. 

Completed submissions must be received to by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 22nd.

Questions may be forwarded to until February 20th. All questions and answers will be posted here.

Submitted Questions:

  1. Where can I purchase a current issue of NQ? The most recent edition of NQ can be purchased at a number of local retailers, including Rocket Bakery, Broken Books, or Chapters, and can also be purchased at NQ’s office at Signal Hill Campus. Back issues are also available at the NQ office. Please call 864.7975 to confirm that someone will be there to help you.
  2. What is the turnaround between the copy date and when the designer receives content? Is this a true call for proposals or is NQ simply looking for competitive bids? This is a true call for proposals and that all will be evaluated using a matrix.
  3. Does copy come to the designer already edited? The copy deadline is when the designer starts receiving the material, with about three weeks built in between then and filing-to-press. And NQ and the designer would be chatting a bit before copy deadline broadly about the palette and flow of the issue.
  4. Is the content delivered to the designer as a single package, with an outlet showing the desired order for content?The copy has been through a first edit but there are two thorough proofings and lots of tweaks between then and f-t-p. We make edits to the last minute.
  5. How much time is required for the proofreading process? We file item-by-item with regular checks of what’s in and what’s out.
  6. How much time is required for the proofreading process? The proofreading process is concurrent with the design process (but rarely would there be big, sudden gaps in text and image; this is largely about tightening and finessing)
  7. How much time is allotted for the printing process prior to the publication date? Printing to publication is determined by the printer, which in turn is determined by the tender issued by FAS.
  8. Does NQ offer graphic design services to advertisers? NQ does not currently offer graphic design services to advertisers, but would be open to discussing it.