Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show Announces the Beginning of its 3rd Season

October 2022

Kitchen Table Communications is pleased to announce that the radio/podcast Fit to Eat will begin its third season at the beginning of November. The show (which is produced along with the Voice of Bonne Bay radio station) is also excited to announce financial support from the Community Radio Fund of Canada, which ensures that the shows continue to be available free of charge to all media outlets and to the general public.

As in the past, the program takes a broad focus on many aspects related to food in Newfoundland and Labrador. There are some tough conversations, to be sure, but the overall tone of the program is optimistic and hopeful. The first few episodes will include interviews with Adam Blanchard (of Five Brothers Cheese, the province’s only commercial cheese producer), bakery owner and long-time development worker Carolyn Lavers of Port au Choix, and food scientist, restauranteur, and cookbook author Colleen Hiscock of Rocky Harbour. Other guests in the early part of this season will include:

  • Jonas Roberts of the Foggy Food Forest (St Phillips)
  • Laurie Haycock and Boyd Maynard of the Gros Morne Farm and Market (Norris Point)
  • Sharon Wright, Amy Mercer, Stephanie Jeffrey, and Jacey Bennett – an instructor and three students from the Agriculture Technology program at the College of the North Atlantic (the only post-secondary program in the province that focusses on training new farmers)
  • Terri Lynn and Bill Robbins of Robbins Family Farm & Gardens (Deer Lake)
  • Adam Anderson and Lukas Doman of the Deep Roots Market (Corner Brook)
  • Lauralee and Mark Ledrew of the Upper Humber Settlement (Cormack)
  • Veronica Bavis of Skivvers, a fibre arts studio that uses wool from the historic Newfoundland Sheep (Cow Head)

Fit To Eat is currently broadcast on four community radio stations in NL (as well as stations in four other provinces), is available as a podcast on several platforms, and can be accessed through several organizational web sites. The updated programs are always available through the show’s main website, and the first two seasons, 94 half-hour shows with farmers, processors, hunters, chefs, thinkers, innovators, homesteaders, researchers, and eaters, can also be accessed there. If you want to be on a regular mailing list for new programs, or have comments or suggestions, send a note to

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