All the Joys of the Season
December 2023
Enjoy your Holidays, and visit us again in the New Year (NQ already has some great posts lined up!).
Enjoy your Holidays, and visit us again in the New Year (NQ already has some great posts lined up!).
Can you tell us a little about yourself? I was born in Queens Cove, NL, in 1945 and completed my high school education in St John’s. After graduation, one of my…
“It reminds me of many nights I slept in the forests and I was waiting to die. We had houses, beds, and sheets, but we were unable to have them around us. My family and I had to sleep outside in any weather. In the storm rain, cold, and wind without blankets.”
It’s been called one of the greatest short stories ever written: James Joyce‘s The Dead, set on The Feast of the Epiphany, opening as Gabriel Conroy and his wife, Gretta,…