A royal fete, and anticipated holiday

May 2023

The May 24th weekend has marked the birthday of Queen Victoria since 1845 (technically it falls on the Monday between the 18th and 24th – this year the 22nd). Here in NL it is an occasion of much expectancy and some lore. However you chose to celebrate, enjoy and be safe.

Nelson White: Tukien (Awaken)

Born and raised in the community of Epwikek, Ktaqmkuk (Flat Bay, NL), Nelson White is a member of the Flat Bat First Nation Band. He studied visual arts at the…

The Healers

BY Shannon Webb-Campbell

While I was home in Newfoundland this past summer, I was given a copy of a series of graphic novels by David Alexander Robinson dubbed Tales from Shadow River, illustrated stories about Indigenous people (Highwater Press). The Healer: Mary Webb, retells the life of my paternal great-great-grandmother, Mary Webb, a Mi’kmaq healer and midwife to 700 babies around Bay St Georges on NL’s west coast.